"I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
~Jesus (John 10:10b)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Yard Sales, Growing pains, and Great Sermons

Hello all! So, we are now in the midst of one of the biggest whirlwinds of our lives- our adoption from the Congo. I was explaining to Daniel just the other day, how I felt as if adoption was similar to pregnancy in that, it is a LOT of work. Whereas pregnancy entails your body working overtime to grow a baby inside of you, adoption entails mounds of paperwork that only continues to grow and the overwhelming financial cost of it all. And yet, there is this sweet anticipation- this love that grows inside of my heart. It is very similar to being pregnant with Naphtali. My love for her only grew over time. My love for these two boys is growing all the same. I guess that's why many call it a paperwork pregnancy! :-) 

So, some updates! This is yard sale season around here and we have some furniture and miscellaneous items around the house we were going to sale for the adoption on craigslist. Then our friend, Jenn Sutton, an adoptive Mama herself, suggested we do a yard sale and even had some stuff on hand she wanted to donate to us. Yard sales are not a favorite in the Lawson household, but this one is becoming exciting! Our church has graciously allowed us to use the church parking lot to host our yard sale and has asked members to donate any items they are wanting to clean out of their homes anyway! We are just struck with the love and support of the body of Christ. It is so encouraging! Truly, we are blessed to be a part of a body of Christ that displays love for one another. Love, love, love our church!

So here is the info in short:

When: July 14th 8am-2pm
Where: Kenwood Baptist Church
What: Yard sale to get rid of unwanted items! ALL proceeds go towards our adoption

Come and shop and support our adoption if you are in the area! 

One last thing before I sign off here... 

Daniel and I love Heine brothers Coffee.. and we love sermons... especially sermons about orphan care right now... A few nights ago we sat down with some Heine Brothers Coffee and listed to a David Platt sermon on orphan care.

Here is a must to listen to! So good and encouraging and convicting in our lives:


In Christ by His Glorious Grace,
the Lawsons


  1. Hope and pray God will bless your Yard sale!!! We wish we were close.

  2. Aww! Thank you! Definitely praying for your sweet family with all the new and exciting changes He is doing in your lives for His glory! Keep us updated! And cannot wait to see pics of the newest little Gullett!

  3. Hey guys! I nominated you for an award on my blog. Partly to get your name out there so my bloggy friend would be praying for your sweet sweet boys :)
