"I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
~Jesus (John 10:10b)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Naphtali? Couldn't be!

This weekend we were thoroughly surprised by the ingenuity of our little girl. She is almost 10 months old now, pulling herself up, and crawling up a storm! In short, she is keeping Mommy and Daddy VERY busy. This weekend, Daniel and I were getting ready so we could head out to the library for a fun afternoon with the family, when we thought we heard Naphtali crying. Daniel went to check on her and came back laughing histerically! Naphtali had somehow pulled a plate of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies into her pack and play and she was chowing down! Evidence was all over her, as the pictures will testify. She had chocolate chips in her hair and all around her mouth. Overall, she was very proud of herself and VERY happy with her sugar fix! So much for my plans to hold off sugar for the first year! Ha ha... just another lesson to me as a Mommy to lighten up a bit :-)